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Startup Script Switcher 2.0
(c) 1993 Martin Mares, MJSoft System Software
Some months ago, I wrote a small utility called SwitchScript, which was
able to execute scripts named S:Startup.xxxxx, where xxxxx was the version
of currently running Kickstart. This utility was very useful, but had many
disadvantages (when a registered developer upgraded his 39.110 to 39.115, he
had to rename or copy his startup script ...). It's the reason why I have
written another small utility named SwitchScript 2.0.
SwitchScript and its documentation are Copyright (C) MJSoft System Software
1993, Prague, Czech Republic. They may be distributed only as a part of the
MKick archive. They also may be included in the SKick archive.
SwitchScript is completely command-line controlled. But if you don't want
to do anything with these mysteriously-named parameters, you can just say:
In this case, SwitchScript will behave similarly to its older version.
It will simply execute a script named S:Startup-vv, where vv is version number
of Kickstart you are currently using.
If you use SwitchScript 1.0 and you want to use your old scripts with
new SwitchScript, you should use:
SwitchScript *=S:Startup.%v%r
But there are many other methods how to switch the scripts... They may be
specified using the parameter line. This line consists of definition fields
separated by spaces. Each field has the following form:
<version>=<script name>
Where <version> is Kickstart version pattern consisting of digits and/or an
asterisk sign ("*"), which means "any number of any digits". For example:
34005 is equivalent to Kickstart version 34.5 (the old 1.3), 39* means any
Kickstart with version 39 (3.0) and * matches all Kickstart versions.
<script name> is a name of script executed if we're using specified Kickstart.
If this name doesn't contain a path (it means it doesn't have any ':' or '/'
in it), 'S:Startup-' is inserted before it. Any '%v' is replaced by Kickstart
version (two digits) and '%r' is replaced by Kickstart revision (three digits).
(If we're using KS 34.5, %v%rx will expand to S:Startup-34005x, S:St-%v to
S:St-34 etc.)
If there is no matching version pattern, the standard script (S:Startup-%v%r)
will be executed.
Example: SwitchScript 34005=WB13:S/Startup-sequence 3911*=beta
It will execute WB13:S/Startup-sequence in case we're using KS 1.3
S:Startup-beta on condition we're using KS 39.110,39.115...
S:Startup-37 if we're using 37.175
S:Startup-39 if we're using 39.106
S:Startup-40 if we're using 40.055
If you use Kickstart 1.X, SwitchScript requires C:Run (standard command).
Warning: Scripts started by SwitchScript must not contain any conditional
processing, because SwitchScript uses slightly faster method of their execution,
which doesn't support conditionals.
Technical note: SwitchScript uses Execute("",Open(script,MODE_OLDFILE),
Output()). If you have an idea how to do it better, let me know.
Return codes
Because I'm very lazy and I tried to make this program small, SwitchScript
displays NO error messages. All kinds of errors are signalized by different
return codes:
0 - everything is OK
20 - startup script failed / C:Run not present
21 - command-line syntax error
22 - script name too long (maximum is 63 characters)
23 - startup script not found
First create the startup scripts for all the Kickstarts used. These scripts
have to contain no final EndCLI statements.
Copy SwitchScript to your C: directory and replace your
Startup-sequence by following text:
MKick (or SKick if you have 2.0 or higher)
Final words
Send all suggestions, comments and bug reports to mjsoft@k332.feld.cvut.cz.